Lean Six Sigma Certification, Is It Worth It? Are you familiar with the word Lean Six Sigma? Have you ever encountered any process that requires a Lean Six Sigma methodology? Lean is a method to eliminate waste, whereas Six Sigma is focusing more on reducing process variations or problems in a process. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology combined to give the best possible quality of finished goods and services to the customers without having to increase the process cost. Many have mistakenly thought that Lean Six Sigma is only applicable in the manufacturing industries. Well, they are not wrong, as the technology evolved in most of the industry now, so does Lean Six Sigma. Lean Six Sigma methodology is widely used in various industries nowadays such as manufacturing, health care, service provider, food and beverage industry and many more. It is universal knowledge that you can apply everywhere, even in your daily life. Does a Lean Six Sigma certificate, worth it? Keep on reading to know the benefits of having a Lean Six Sigma certificate!
Having an analytical mindset
Learning the Lean Six Sigma fundamentals in any training or workshop, there are two crucial points or elements that you need to focus more. Lean Six Sigma methodology can lead you to have an analytical thinking point of view, also to provide methods to solve complex problems into manageable components. This is a significant element one can achieve in Lean Six Sigma as it helps an individual to have a clear focus on the cause and effect of a problem. When you have analytical thinking, mindset and skill, this will result in an improved business process and working performance in your workplace or as an individual.
Problem solving
One of the most critical components in Lean Six Sigma is to be able to solve complex problems not just in the organization but in your real life too. The fundamental of Lean Six Sigma is to eliminate waste and to reduce variation that can be the core problems in any business processes. With Lean Six Sigma knowledge, it could help to push you through the limits of your capability to solve problems and find better ways to create more customer value through continuous improvement. When you are Lean Six Sigma certified, you can easily detect any defects in processes or products. Thus, you will be able to come up with different approaches to solve the problems in the future.
Aspire leadership role
Suppose you are working in the top management. In that case, a leader, a decision-maker or a stakeholder having a Lean Six Sigma certification and knowledge is very critical in your workforce to achieve your organization’s vision and mission. Learning Lean Six Sigma is more than just about tools and methods. It also involves the ability to solve problems, to manage changes, to know the identify the core problem a process, to deliver medium to high impact projects and achieve significant cost savings. Bear in mind Lean Six Sigma knowledge is a skill that you have to practice for you to learn and understand continuously. Hence if you are the leader of the team, Lean Six Sigma is helping you to understand vital changes in management at the same time to help you in reaching your highest leadership capability for you and your team. As a leader, you must be meticulous and observant to enable you to measure the process capability in business.
Career advancement / career transition
Lean Six Sigma certification is a proof of knowledge that you currently possess. Lean Six Sigma knowledge may vary from other knowledge that you have gained during your university years, for example. Once you get the Lean Six Sigma certification, you will gain knowledge to identify if there are any flaws in business processes. Lean Six Sigma knowledge is a hands-on knowledge where you can apply it everywhere. For example, once you are Lean Six Sigma certified, you will be able to apply the knowledge in the organization to achieve continuous improvement for quality performance of business processes. With all the knowledge you have, Lean Six Sigma certificate can help in your career advancement, regardless of what industry you would like to venture.
After reading this article, don’t you think having Lean Six Sigma knowledge is worth it? Well, I believe that it would be a good investment for an individual, team or anyone representing an organization to acquire Lean Six Sigma certification to gain advantages over others and be a step ahead of their competitors. Lean Six Sigma certificate is your ticket to be ahead of the game regardless of what industry you are working at now. Now that you have read the article, are you excited to have a Lean Six Sigma certificate? And wondering where in the world would you get the certificate?
Fret not! MBizM Group Sdn Bhd provides various levels of Lean Six Sigma training such as Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt. Our consultants and trainers are Lean Six Sigma certified, and they have conducted training for many years to clients from different industries. For your information, MBizM Group Sdn Bhd is an Accredited Training Organization, Curriculum Provider and Examination Center by IASCC and by Council for Six Sigma Certification. We offer the best price for Lean Six Sigma Training in Malaysia with certified trainers and in complementary of training materials. If you wish to earn Lean Six Sigma certification with experienced trainers at an affordable price, check out our website <stron�>https%3//www.mbizm.com/ for more information or you can call us at +603 7873 8485 to speak to our person in charge to know which training suit you best.
We are looking forward to having you onboard!