HRD Corp

SBL Khas Process Map/Flow Chart

Kindly be informed that in consonance with the latest circular by HRD Corp on the 25th of January 2021, all trainings conducted by training provider must be registered with HRD Corp under the SBL KHAS scheme. This circular will be effective from 1st April 2021. To ensure smooth transaction on both training provider (TP) and…

Voice of Customers

What is Voice of Customers?

What is Voice of Customers? Every business in any type of industry has its own targeted customer and audience. Voice of the Customer is how company take note and listen to customer’s feedback or testimonial about their brand, product or services. Voice of Customer (VOC) is also customer’s voicing out their opinion, expectations, preferences of…

Root Cause Analysis Tools to Solve Problems Effectively

Root Cause Analysis Tools to Solve Problems Effectively

What is Root Cause Analysis? Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a systematic way of identifying the root cause of an issue as part of the problem-solving methodology. Root causes are principal underlying causes that result in a particular problem or issue. In their earnest quest to solve problems, many organizations resort to identify symptoms and…

Design of Experiments

Why Do We Need Design of Experiments (DOE)?

After listening to my explanation on DOE, my colleague looked quite puzzled. He asked, “If we are focusing on improving CX, would not common sense dictate that the High Level factor e.g. the proactive approach should be part of any combination of levels that could result in higher CX? Do we even need to conduct…


What is Y=f(X) ?

Y=f(X) is a function which describes the relationship between the input variable, X and the output variable, Y.   Since Y is expressed as a function X, Y is therefore dependent on X. For this reason, Y is also known as the dependent variable while X is known as the independent variable.   In process…

Process Improvement

Understanding Process Improvement with Simulation

PROCESS EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME (Government Agency)   SUMMARY On the 10th, 11th and 13th of February 2020, as interns of MBizM Group, we were assigned to attend a process improvement simulation organized by MBizM Group which was held at a government agency. The participants consist of 27 to 30 staff members from various divisions throughout the three…