The Importance of Project Charter

The Importance of Project Charter

What is A Project Charter? Establishing a project charter is the first step and the most fundamental one in the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Project Charter is a document that officiates and formalizes the existence of a project. It is a document that provides high-level information on all aspects of the project, right from the…

Apakah Itu Prinsip Lean Six Sigma Dan Kelebihannya

Apakah Itu Prinsip Lean Six Sigma Dan Kelebihannya?

Organisasi yang besar mahupun peniaga kecil dan sederhana, memerlukan penambahbaikan dalam organisasi dari segala aspek yang berkaitan dalam menggerakkan perniagaan dengan lebih baik. Penambahbaikan perlu dibuat dalam memastikan perniagaan yang dijalankan berada dalam landasan yang betul selari dengan visi dan misi syarikat. Hal ini demikian kerana, dalam mendepani cabaran teknologi yang berkembang pesat para ahli…

Global Skill Development Council

MBizM Group Announces Its Partnership With Global Skill Development Council For Lean Six Sigma Certification Exams

Kuala Lumpur, 5 AUGUST 2021 – MBizM Group, the Lean Six Sigma training and consulting firm in Malaysia is proudly announcing a partnership with Global Skill Development Council (GSDC) for Lean Six Sigma examination and certification. This partnership is a symbol of quality that reflects our company’s commitment to continuously improve the quality and our…

HRD Corp

SBL Khas Process Map/Flow Chart

Kindly be informed that in consonance with the latest circular by HRD Corp on the 25th of January 2021, all trainings conducted by training provider must be registered with HRD Corp under the SBL KHAS scheme. This circular will be effective from 1st April 2021. To ensure smooth transaction on both training provider (TP) and…

Voice of Customers

What is Voice of Customers?

What is Voice of Customers? Every business in any type of industry has its own targeted customer and audience. Voice of the Customer is how company take note and listen to customer’s feedback or testimonial about their brand, product or services. Voice of Customer (VOC) is also customer’s voicing out their opinion, expectations, preferences of…

Root Cause Analysis Tools to Solve Problems Effectively

Root Cause Analysis Tools to Solve Problems Effectively

What is Root Cause Analysis? Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a systematic way of identifying the root cause of an issue as part of the problem-solving methodology. Root causes are principal underlying causes that result in a particular problem or issue. In their earnest quest to solve problems, many organizations resort to identify symptoms and…